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Strangers on a train...
Posted on 19 Apr 2004
A funny thing happened on the train to work this morning...
Chris White (English) - click for more pictures
Chris White
I bumped into Chris and Tony, who were teachers at my secondary school. They are still both at the school, and were catching the first train up to Catterick, Yorkshire to do a quick reccy for the school Combined Cadet Force. This is the home of the Queen's Royal Lancers, so it looks like the pupils are going to have a fun week.

It was very strange to enter the world of my old school again, if only for an hour. The school seems to have acquired and built new buildings, the pavilion has been burnt to the ground, and my old headmaster has only recently passed away.

So much, but so little has changed in the 13 years since I left...

Tony Holding (Chemistry) - click for more pictures
Tony Holding
19 Apr 2004 |


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